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Week 1 - Irishmen, Discovery, and The Fate of Two Worlds

Welcome one and all to this blog of opinions that don't really matter. This will be the place where I give weekly updates about the media I watched and played. This blog is my first time doing something like this so it may be a bit rough.

Usually, I'll review one movie, one TV show(or specific episodes of a TV show), and one game. Each will be given a score out of 10 after each review. Though don't take these too seriously. I sometimes have trash opinions, so take my words with a grain of salt.

This week, I ran out of time to watch any TV shows as I was incredibly busy. So instead, I have two movies and one game to talk about.

The Banshees of Inisherin

"Two lifelong friends find themselves at an impasse when one abruptly ends their relationship, with alarming consequences for both of them."(Synopsis from Letterboxd)

First up this week is The Banshees of Inisherin, a 2022 Oscar-nominated film. This film was pretty good overall. I enjoyed parts of this darkly comedic tale about two best friends who suddenly stop their friendship. Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson do a fantastic job as the two main characters. The score of the film is also good.

Although I can't imagine that I will revisit this film anytime soon. I found parts of the movie to be dull and boring. Especially in the middle of the movie.

I feel a similar way about the film's cinematography. The landscape shots are undeniably gorgeous, but the rest of the cinematography feels rather average.

Most scenes feel disconnected from each other, and it feels more like a play than a movie.

The film's overall vibe is dullness and nihilism which I don't usually like. You have to be in the right mood to properly enjoy this film, and I don't think I was when I watched it.

This film didn't quite click with me, but it is still well made and might click with you.

Score: 6/10

Interstella 5555

"Four talented alien musicians are kidnapped by a record producer who disguises them as humans. Shep, a space pilot in love with bass player Stella, follows them to Earth. Reprogrammed to forget their real identities and renamed The Crescendolls, the group quickly becomes a huge success playing soulless corporate pop. At a concert, Shep manages to free all the musicians except Stella, and the band sets out to rediscover who they really are – and to rescue Stella."(Synopsis from Letterboxd)

This film is one of my new favorites. Interstella 5555 is a collaboration between two legends in music and animation. Those legends are Daft Punk(who need no introduction) and Leiji Matsumoto; one of the most influential sci-fi anime directors known for Captain Harlock and Space Battleship Yamato.

This film serves as a visual accompaniment to Daft Punk's 2001 album Discovery. The story is told only with beautiful visuals and the album's music. This makes for an incredibly engaging viewing experience that can't be found in most other films.

I am absolutely biased about this movie because Discovery is one of my favorite albums. I find it near impossible to find anything I disliked about it. The only thing I could complain about is that the story is pretty basic overall. Though I find myself not caring about that because of how that story is told through its visuals and music.

Interstella 5555 is an incredibly unique film that no Daft Punk or anime fan should ignore.

(Also watch Tron Legacy, the other feature-length Daft Punk music video)

Score: 9.5/10

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

With the announcement of this game's inclusion at EVO(Evolution Championship Series Tournament) this year, I decided to replay this awesome game. Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 is a masterpiece of the fighting game genre. After almost 12 years the game still holds up as one of the genre's best.

The roster is star-studded with prominent fighters like Ryu, Dante, Spiderman, and Iron Man; while also including many obscure characters like Amaterasu from Okami and Firebrand from Demon's Crest. Overall, the roster includes an impressive 50 characters providing players with a multitude of team compositions to try out.

Not only is the roster great, but the gameplay is fantastic. Pretty much all of the characters are fun to play even if some are more unbalanced than others(looking at you Vergil and Zero). Other than those few exceptions the game is very well-balanced.

The graphics and music have held up wonderfully over the past 12 years. The game features iconic tracks from the featured games as well as stellar original tracks from the Marvel Vs. Capcom series.

The single-player is also surprisingly solid for an older fighting game. In this era of games, fighting games typically included just an arcade mode as the only single-player mode.

You have that standard arcade mode along with a mode called Heroes and Heralds which comprises two separate campaigns. This game mode adds a deckbuilding mechanic to spice up the gameplay. The cards give your fighters new effects that can drastically change the game. It's a very unique and fun game mode.

Overall MVC3 is an incredibly fun and rewarding game to play. I had a great time revisiting it by myself and with a group of friends.

It's too bad that I suck at it.

Score 9/10

See you again next week!

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